Traits of "Product People"

Published: Sep 2, 2017   |   123 words with less than 1 minute reading time   |   ©2022 by Bob Smith
Category: Marketing   |   Tags: Product Management

Live to disrupt

Product people seek the rare blue ocean opportunity to create or redefine categories.

Curiously not afraid to fail

Product people love adventure and understand qualified risk is proportional to reward.

Use persuasion as a tool

Product people assemble and create cross-function enthusiasm compelling products to market

View simplicity as language

Product people see complexity as dilutive to execution and need to reduce it at any reasonable cost.

Cloak in quant

Product people rely on facts, customer insight and covet oft-unappreciated ‘finance people.’

Value the factory

Product people recognize the gifts of those who carry out product creation, delivery, sales, and support.

Admire design

Product people regard powerful UI and creative design as foundational.